Monday, December 12, 2011

The Old Testament

Here are some interesting facts taken from the first few chapters of the Bible. Adam (the first person created by God) died at the age of 930 years. Each of the descendants had a shorter life span (with a few exceptions). When Adam died, seven lines of his descendants were still living. The next line of descendant was Noah, who was the person who built the Ark during the great flood. Noah was 600 years old when the flood occurred - so that was in the year 1551. But, if the flood killed all living creatures except those in the Ark, how was it possible that Methusaleh and Lamech died many years after the flood? Perhaps, some Bible scholars can point out where I was wrong!

Year of birth and death are measured from the year that Adam was created!


aripfio said...

Dear Mr Tan,

Methuselah's age on birth of son is 187, not 167 (Genesis 5:25).
Lamech's age on birth of son is 182, not 162 (Genesis 5:28).

Methuselah's age when the flood occurred: 187 + 182 + 600 = 969. Methuselah died at age 969 (Genesis 5:27). He might have died in the same year but before the flood.

Lamech's age when the flood occurred: 182 + 600 = 782. Lamech died at age 777 (Genesis 5:31) so he died 5 years before the flood.

hanyen said...

Mr Tan, I am not a Christian. Although I disagree with its teachings, I must say that that for every bible inconsistencies, there are already solutions. Defenders of the faith or so called "apologetics" go the extra mile, using all sorts of logic and arguments to justify every single doubt in their holy book.

Thus for your question, you can just do a google search and you will find your answer. One reason I found is the problem lies in the translations and the Hebrew translation will give the right figures instead. May I add that your dates might be inconsistent with mainstream biblical timelines.

These pages may help:

Tan Kin Lian said...

Dear Aripflo
I checked the Bible again and confirmed that your facts (on the age of Methuselah and Lamech when they their sons were born were correct (and my figures were wrong). This solved the mystery that I referred to. I will be posting a revised table. Thanks for the correction.

Zhong said...

Mr Tan, if Adam is the first son created by GOD and died in year 930. Then your Chinese ancestor and all other Chinese ancestors created by WHO? Because Chinese has at least 5000 years of recorded history, long before Adam was created!

Tan Kin Lian said...

Someone sent an e-mail to me, pointing out that there is record of the existence of human beings dated back before the creation of Adam.

One possible explanation is that Adam was created to be the start of the Jewish and Arab people, and not as the start of mankind.

I am not a Bible scholar, so I just want to reason it in a logical manner.

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