Saturday, July 29, 2017

Deplorable reply from transport minister

Transport minister Khaw BW held a media briefing to announce the rail reliability target for 2020. The journalists asked him some questions about the current train breakdown in Singapore.

The minister chided the journalists. He said that it is not easy to fix the engineering problems. He challenged them to try to solve the problem if they are so smart.

I find the minister's remarks to be deplorable. The journalists are required to do their job as journalists. They are not supposed to be experts in engineering.

The transport ministry, the Land Transport Authority and the train operators are supposed to employ the engineering experts. They are supposed to identify the problems and to find the solutions.

The correct benchmark is the breakdown frequency of other train systems around the world. Do these train systems break down as often as has happened in Singapore. Some of these systems are older than our train system.

If our engineers are not up to mark, the transport minister should look for other engineers to fix the problem. He should not rely on journalists to give him the solution.

It is absurb for the minister to speak in this manner.

Sad to say, this is the quality of the ministers and the top officials that are appointed by PM Lee HL to run Singapore. It seemed that paying top salaries, in the millions of dollars, does not provide the answer.

We do need a change of government.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The (over)payment of top salaries is the root cause of the problem (and many others too). Ngiam TD and many of the old guard foresaw this and forewarned us but were ignored or put in their place (bo tua bo suay).

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